Children love Gambardeli’s for tea!

 In Ask Margaret, children, Recipes

Gambardeli’s for Tea

Having used gambardeli’s steaks to feed my children, I am pleased to see that my grandchildren are also benefitting from this nutritious food.  They ask for this dinner often sometimes with mashed potatoes and sometimes with noodles or rice.

My older grand-daughter is 4 and is a very picky eater.  She will go without rather than eat something that she doesn’t like or just doesn’t fancy. The younger one is 2 and she eats most things.  They both love their Gambardeli’s.

How to cook Gambardeli’s for children

We cut up the steaks, strips or slices, warm them in the pan and add gravy.  They say that’s their favourite way to eat them.As the strips cook quickly my daughter-in-law loves the convenience of being able to give the children a nutritious dinner in super quick time.  Not for them the junk fast food: most importantly, they have nutritious, delicious food cooked quickly.

Top Tip for getting children to eat their vegetables and love them!

I’m really pleased that my grandchildren also love their vegetables.  My daughter-in-law presents the vegetables first when the children are hungriest so that they eat them before the rest of the dinner is presented. My older grand-daughter told her mother that she’s a good mother because she makes them tasty vegetables and delicious dinners!  Praise indeed

Avoid overcooking the vegetables!

My grand-daughter refused to eat broccoli at a friend’s house because she said, “I don’t like this!”  Her mum said, “It’s broccoli,”  but she didn’t believe her because it was overcooked and soft.  It just didn’t taste the same.

Of course the children have their favourites and that changes.  Sometimes they love carrots and sometimes it broccoli.  Just as with adults its good to give a variety and to introduce new vegetables from time to time.  Our rule is one unfamiliar vegetable with one favourite. Research reported recently advised that children need to taste a ‘new’ food up to 15 times before they accept it.   They children know they need to just try it.  My younger one said when I said I didn’t like something, “Just try it, you might like it!”


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